Controlling the internet and digital privacy
Watch video from the breakfast meeting Friday May 22nd with the panelists David Kirkpatrick, Eirik Newth, Berit Svendsen and Eva Jarbekk.
Publisert: 22. mai 2015
Can and should government get a better grip on Internet? If so, how? And how do we ensure data security and privacy for individuals?
Watch video from the breakfast meeting with the panelists David Kirkpatrick, technology journalist, author and founder and CEO of Techonomy Media, Eirik Newth, Norwegian astrophysicist and author of the book Overvåkningssamfunnet («The Surveillance Society»), Berit Svendsen, CEO of Telenor Norway and Eva Jarbekk, parliament appointed chairman of the Data Protection Tribunal Norway and partner at FØYEN Law Office DA.
The meeting is hosted in cooperation with Telenor Norge.
Watch the speeches here:
Watch the debate here: