
Debatt om innvandring

Noen mener innvandring er Europas største problem; andre at det snarere er løsningen på en del problemer. Gjør vandringen, utenfra og innad i Europa, oss rikere eller mer utsatt? Forfatteren av boken Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them, Philippe Legrain, og Prospect Magazines David Goodhart diskuterer hos The Economist.

Publisert: 22. august 2011

According to some, immigration is Europe’s biggest problem; according to others, it is the only hope for the continent’s salvation. The first camp argue that the big waves of immigration into Europe over the past 20 years have led to fractures in national communities, strains on infrastructure and resources and, in a few extreme cases, the radicalisation of violent minorities in both the immigrant and indigenous populations. The second camp says that without an injection of immigrant labour, Europe’s demographic situation will soon become dire. A wrinkle in the dispute is that much of the immigration in Europe comes from elsewhere in the continent. Does that movement, and the influx of newcomers from elsewhere, enrich or threaten Europe?

Forfatteren av boken «Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them», Philippe Legrain, og Prospect Magazines David Goodhart diskuterer hos The Economist.

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