Kapitalisme og etikk
Smiths økonomiske analyser var nøye sammenvevd med et humanistisk etisk perspektiv, skriver The Philosopher’s Beard: Smith’s commitment to a realistic liberalism led him to endorse commercial society over any previous socio-economic system as a social order in which the most people possible could live decent lives. Smith saw capitalism as an ethical project whose success required political commitment to justice and freedom.
Publisert: 24. januar 2012
Adam Smiths økonomiske analyser var nøye sammenvevd med et dypt humanistisk etisk verdenssyn, skriver «The Philosopher’s Beard»:
«Smith’s commitment to a realistic liberalism led him to endorse commercial society over any previous socio-economic system as a social order in which the most people possible could live decent lives.
Smith saw economics as a branch of moral philosophy, and he saw capitalism as an ethical project whose success required political commitment to justice and freedom, not merely an understanding of economic logistics.»