Ja definitivt, er svaret dersom man spør tidligere medarbeidere i Reagan-administrasjonen og folk fra USAs ledende tankesmier på høyresiden, skriver Dag Ekelberg.
I den ledende liberale tankesmien i USA, The Cato Inst, er man ikke mindre kritiske til Bush. Jeg traff nylig Doug Bandow, en av seniorrådgiverne i Cato og tidligere Reagan-rådgiver. Bandow var veldig klar: «I knew Ronald Reagan – George W. Bush is no Reagan. Bush talks the talk but he sure doesn`t walk the walk».
Pat Toomey i The Wall Street Journal skriver om dette: «After 10 years of controlling Congress, Washington Republicans have an identity crisis. It was Republicans who gave us a farm bill that only a Soviet central planner could love; a campaign-finance reform bill that expands government’s unconstitutional restrictions on speech; a prescription-drug entitlement program that Lyndon Johnson could only have dreamed of; and a transportation bill with more than 40-times as many pork projects it took to earn Reagan’s veto. So, we ask a fair question: Is Reagan’s vision of limited government–the fundamental principle that brought Republicans to power–still part of the Republican identity, or has it been abandoned in favor of the seductive power of controlling unlimited government?»
Som en i Heritage Foundation litt bittert uttrykte det: «Next time I`ll vote for Hillary. That`ll give the Republicans a chance to find back to their real values».