Energy, geopolitics and the war in Ukraine
Digital lunch meeting with Helen Thompson, professor at Cambridge and the author of the book Disorder: Hard times in the 21st century.
The digital meeting will be available here from 11.50 am.
You can also watch the meeting on YouTube.
Digital Civitalunch Tuesday May 31st 12.00–13.00 pm.
What role has energy played in geopolitics since the First World War? How can energy explain the Ukraine invasion and Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas? How will the green energy transformation change geopolitics?
Guest: Helen Thompson, professor at Cambridge and the author of the book Disorder: Hard times in the 21st century and co-host of the podcast Talking Politics with David Runciman.
Register at the top of this event-page (orange box).
This meeting is a digital broadcast only with no audience.
Links to the broadcast will be sent out the day before.
Helen Thomson om globale energiressurser og Europas avhengighet av Russland
Hvilken betydning har energiressurser og tilgang til energi hatt for global politikk de siste hundre årene? Hvordan kan det forklare hva som skjer i Ukraina og Europas avhengighet av energi fra Russland?
Hvordan vll overgangen til grønn energi endre geopolitiske maktforhold?
Gjest er Helen Thompson, professor i politisk økonomi ved Cambridge og forfatter av boken Disorder: Hard times in the 21st century. Hun har også podcasten Talking Politics med David Runciman.
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