Implications for Europe of Russia’s energy dominance
Publisert: 16. november 2005
The Norwegian Atlantic Committee in cooperation with Civita would like to invite you to a breakfast meeting on Wednesday 23.rd. of November.
The breakfast meeting will be held at the Oslo Militære Samfund, Myntgaten 3, from 08.30 – 10.00am.
Ambassador (rtd) Keith C. Smith will speak about:
Implications for Europe of Russia’s energy dominance and what risk Putin’s energy policies pose for the rest of Europe, including Norway.
Keith C. Smith was DCM at the US embassy in Oslo in the 80ties and US ambassador to Lithuania in the late 90ties. He retired in 2000 to take up work in the energy sector. At the State Department, his most recent assignments were as Director of Policy for Europe, Senior Deputy for Support for East European Democracy and Director for Areas Studies at the Foreign Service Institute. Keith is now a Senior Associate in the Europe Program at the Center for Strategic and International Affairs (CSIS) in Washington DC where he focuses on energy issues connected with Russia and Europe.
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