Senator Lugar om Norges rolle og det transatlantiske arbeidet for fred og sikkerhet
Publisert: 11. mars 2005
Senator Richard Lugar talte om utfordringene for det transatlantiske arbeidet for fred og sikkerhet på en konferanse i forbindelse med Kongeparets besøk i USA. Konferansen ble arrangert av CSIS i Washington D.C.
On March 4, 2005, in an address at the CSIS Conference on Transatlantic efforts for peace and security, Senator Richard Lugar, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, stressed that the Transatlantic Alliance must make preventing the proliferation of weaons of mass destruction one of its central objectives. Lugar argued that, for the foreseeable future, the nations of the Transatlantic Alliance will face an existential threat from the intersection of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Lugar concluded that the US and its European friends and allies must make the safe storage, accountability, and destruction of nuclear, biological, chemical, and even conventional weapons a central priority for our alliance.
Les hele Lugars tale