Demokrati og rettigheter

Russian presidential election 2018: Rigged in favor of Vladimir Putin?

Publisert: 12. mars 2018

Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and Civita invited to a breakfast meeting on Monday March 12th 8.00—9.30am.

On the 18th of March Russian voters will re-elect Vladimir Putin for a new term as president of the Russian Federation, in what most observers consider to be neither free nor fair elections. How should we understand the upcoming «elections»? Numerous polls show high approval rating for Putin, but how popular is Putin? And how should Western democracies approach the Russian elections and what seems to be a rigged outcome?

Keynote speaker was Vladimir Kara-Murza, human rights activist and vice chairman of the pro-democracy movement, Open Russia. Niklas Novaky from The Wilfired Martens Centre gave a brief introduction.

The Seminar receives financial support from the European Parliament. Sole liability rests with the organiser, the European Parliament is not responsible for the activity

See video from the introduction and keynote speech here:

See video from the debate here:

Hear podcast recording of the meeting here: